Creative Unproductiveness.

There is the inertia, the irresponsible idleness, the persistent laziness.
Important to distinguish them from seemingly unproductive periods (externally), but which are creative (internally), as if the person was pregnant of herself, gestating perceptions, values, feelings and even new exterior structures of life.
The abstraction of the routine, that opens the way to an overall perspective and permits one to clearly see what has become invisible (because it happens everyday), fosters questionings and changes, that hardly would be possible (because they are not even imaginable) in other circumstances, when one is stuck to the mechanism of daily operations.
Make this fertile period creative. Meditate, pray, question, analyse yourself, and dare to try, to experience, to be!
Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar
by the Spirit EUGÊNIA.
Message received on 12/12/12.

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