Different Mothers

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Eugênia

Suffering mothers exist, who anguish over not being able to give more to their children.

But there are those, however, who instead of anguishing over their children’s suffering, suffer because their children are seeking inappropriate pleasures, which can corrupt their character and lead them to far greater sufferings. These are the Heaven’s mothers. They often cry, when the Earth’s mothers smile cheerfully. The first ones worry about the ultimate fate of their embodied pupils, whereas the latter ones only care about comfort and ease for their offspring. Mothers as all spiritual guides are, to a certain extent. Do not be surprised if you do not receive from them much more than severe recommendations and suggestions of discipline, moderation and balance. Because even too much joy can be a sign of unbalance or a path to great misfortunes.

If you suffer now, first of all, think if your conscience is at peace – that’s fundamental. It is no good to experience continuous outbreaks of joy, without the soul’s deep satisfaction, which denotes true happiness. The euphoria, the excitement of the emotions, the heat of senses happens at a very superficial level of the being. Only at the level of feeling, of rightfully fulfilled duty, of ethics, of moral, of spirituality, can someone find the immortal source of happiness and peace.

And do not forget that along this hard, but glorious path of learning and growth you will always be able to count on the support and loving help of the entire Community of the Heaven’s Mothers. Mother, which also God is, wishing your progress and definitive freedom from the captivity of ignorance and insensibility…

(Message received on September 30, 2002.)

(Translated by Iris Souza – Revised by Marcone Vieira)

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