Inner Work for the Individual Relative Enlightenment Within the Present Possibilities of His or Her Evolutional Stage

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar

When you feel yourself in the imminence of a debacle, of losing your psychological balance, remember: the equilibrium principle exists in dynamic circumstances, and not only in static contingencies.

Say a prayer. Isolate yourself from the external world’s noises for a few minutes. Turn this attitude into a daily discipline. Do this, and then, soon, the mental collapse sensation threating the sanity of your psyche will be dissipated, perhaps more rapidly than you can imagine now.

After this, all you’ll have to face are the challenges to enter a new state of wider and deeper awareness that will bring in its wake more happiness, serenity and, most especially, a good tune with your Sacred Self. And, as a consequence, an improvement of your inner resonance with the Spiritual Masters, so that you may distribute such blessing with the multitudes that surround you!…

Do you comprehend the intuition that, despite the turbulence around you, you keep an unspeakable feeling of being on the right road – a path towards the inner work of self-knowledge and self-liberation from ancient crystallizations of thoughts, addictions and prejudices? It’s about this domain of experience that I speak of.

Life is rich in signs that our journey in this physical world is, simultaneously, a travel to new levels of meaning, higher levels, to insights to catch and live, perceive new concepts, feelings and experiences of our purpose in this present reincarnation!…

(Text received by spiritual inspiration on January 18, 2012.)

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